Timboon Library - Stonework Play with Nurture in Nature
Stonework Play connects kids with nature, creative expression, art and storytelling, using a beautiful variety of stones as the medium.
Kids will be guided through a 5 Step process of:
1. GATHERING their chosen stones
2. CONSTRUCTING their stone creation
3. RENDERING (drawing) their work on paper
4. NARRATING (writing) what they have done in story form
5. SHARING their stories and experience with the group
Tania will also read her book Nature Ninja Saves the Natural World
Wednesday, 17 January 2024 | 02:00 PM
- 03:30 PM
Timboon Library, Wark Street Timboon, VIC 3268, View Map
Wark Street Timboon, VIC 3268 ,
Timboon Library
Wark Street Timboon, VIC 3268 ,
Timboon Library - Stonework Play with Nurture in Nature