The BIG Summer Read is a Victorian statewide summer reading campaign for children and young people. It is a collaborative Public Libraries Victoria initiative, developed to raise awareness and ensure ALL Victorian children have access to the resources they need to maintain literacy skills over the summer school holidays.
1 December - 31 January
Participate in ’The Big Summer Read’ at your local Library!
Research has identified a phenomenon known as the ‘summer slide’, which refers to the loss of literacy skills over the summer holidays when children do not read—estimated on average as the equivalent of two to three months of reading proficiency. The decline in learning gains is made worse by successive COVID lockdowns.
Corangamite Moyne Library Service would like to address the summer slide; studies have found that children who receive and read free books over summer experience the equivalent of attending three years of summer school.
Contact your local Library for more information.
This program will run across all Corangamite Moyne Library Services branches.