Membership is free. All members of the family are encouraged to have their own library card.
Become a member online
It's pretty simple to join Corangamite Moyne Library Service as a free member.
You can join online.
Or, you can head into your local library. You will need to:
Ask staff for assistance to join online.
Provide identification with your name and current residential address to join immediately.
Those under 18 years of age will need a parent or legal guardian to sign.
- You must bring your library card in order to borrow and use the computers at the library.
- Keep your card in a safe place.
- If you lose your card, report it immediately at your local branch.
- Replacement cards cost $2.00.
- A PIN number is required to view your details, renew and reserve items online. Please contact your branch library about your unique PIN.
Do you need to change or reset your PIN number? Follow this link